Thing 21: Creating Infographics
I think infographics are an incredibly clever way of visualizing information. When cramming for exams whilst at school or university I would always try to include little drawings, tables or charts next to my notes as I found that this always helped to keep the information in my mind. Obviously the online tools available to us today means that some of the infographics out there are are extremely creative and impressive.
Whilst looking at various infographics available on the web I came across which has some stunning graphics. I think the really impressive thing about some of these infographics is the way they can sometimes present complicated issues whilst maintaining the simplicity that is required to make an effective infographic.
I don't know whether to be pleased that the pay gap between male and female librarians showcased on InformationIsBeautiful is smaller than, for example, senior management roles, or disappointed that overall librarian salaries are still so small considering all the work we do... Great link though. Thanks for sharing. #rudai23